Quality-Environmental Performance-Safety

Asfaltos Uribe, S.A., aware of the impact of their activities on the environment and the health of their employees, and with the aim of providing a quality service, has adopted the following commitments:

  • To provide a quality service, as a result of a business quality organisation.
  • Promoting equality between Women and Men.
  • To consider the prevention of contamination, the protection and the improvement of the environment and the health and safety of the employees in the performance of our activities.
  • See quality, environmental and occupational safety policy document.

Care and improvement of the environment, defining lines of action that contribute to sustainable development, the prevention of contamination and the decrease of the environmental impacts associated with their activities. To do this, it carries out the necessary controls, analysis and studies to determine the nature, magnitude and environmental impact of its activities. This information ensures that the Environmental Policy and the actions derived from it are suitable. The company is aware of the applicable legislation and regulations, in addition to the requirements which it undertakes on a voluntary basis, and ratifies its commitment to operating in the framework established by the same. It carries out the operational control of its activities, in compliance with the objectives and targets proposed for caring for the environment.

  • To implement and maintain a Management System (SIG) that permits customer satisfaction, the protection and improvement of the environment and of the health and safety of the employees, based on the commitment specified with the requirements implemented by the standards UNE EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE EN ISO 14001:2015 and the specific requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 standard.
  • To define and annually review objectives and goals, as a tool for complying with the Quality, Prevention and Environmental Policy.
  • To carry out staff training and information sessions in order to ensure staff are qualified for the job and able to use the resources required, and to increase their involvement in compliance with objectives.
  • To maintain open and transparent communication with interested parties.
  • To use leadership, continuous improvement and awareness to advance in our commitment to sustainable development.

 We work for a more sustainable future


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ISO 45001

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ISO 9001

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ISO 14001

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