
Asfaltos Uribe, S.A. was born from the continuation of Sabino Uribe Bilbao in 1933 in the field of Mastic Asphalt Paving, Public Works and Buildings. The company was founded on the first of April 1980.

Services offered by the business are contained in three main areas:

Asphalt concrete paving:
We manufacture, supply and apply hot-mix and coloured asphalt.

Mastic Asphalt Paving:
We manufacture, supply and apply mastic asphalt for industrial paving, sports zones, anti-dust applications, underground car parks, non-slip ramps, slurries, etc.

Public Works:
In addition to the manufacture and application of bituminous mixes for pavings, we have the experience, human resources and techniques for:

  • Exterior and interior urbanisations.
  • Construction of streets and roads.
  • Construction, Conservation and Repair of all types of project.

Asfaltos Uribe is today a point of reference in the sector for government administrations, public and private companies, neighbourhood communities and private individuals. We are backed by the quality of our work, the training and commitment of our personnel and the satisfaction of our customers.

Asfaltos Uribe holds the following certificates

  • Quality Management System Certificate UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate OHSAS 18001:2007
  • Environmental Management System Certificate UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015
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